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We have a production facility with all the necessary resources to fabricate steel structures in accordance with customer specifications and according to quality standards. Our resources include a technically advanced machine park and an integrated management and quality control system. The quality of our work is guaranteed by certification to the following standards: PN-EN ISO: 9001:2015, PN-EN ISO 14 001:2015, PN ISO 45 001:2018, PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2021, PN-EN 1090-2:2018 (execution class: EXC3).

A manufacturer of heavy-duty steel structures, we offer our solutions to customers across sectors and industries, including

  • power engineering and heat generation,

  • petrochemical engineering and chemicals,

  • wood processing,

  • construction (including production halls and warehouses),

  • waste incineration.

  • construction, and

  • renewable energy sources.

We are prepared to fabricate steel structures according to customer-supplied documentation. Alternatively, you can ask us to rely on the expertise and experience of our designers and structural engineers.